[cvsnt] Re: URGENT: Need to reconstruct sparse tag

capaverde at 3ia.com.br capaverde at 3ia.com.br
Thu Jun 9 15:24:59 BST 2005

I have a change log automated script that guess the tag
date using the following procedure:

1. cvs rlog modulename
2. create a table containing all the tags and for each file listed by
   the rlog command, along with the revision number
3. using the same rlog command output, write down in the table the
   date this revision was commited
4. sort the table by tag name
5. delete all the entries in table but the most recent one for each tag
6. the records that remains in the table should be an roughly the date
   the tag was created, provided you have no cases were, for example,
   you tagged some files with tag "A", then with tag "B" and later, other
   files with tag "A" again

At end, your table should looks like that:

Tag   Date
----- -------------------
A     2005/02/28 18:06:44
B     2004/12/30 16:18:24
C     2004/06/15 15:10:50

As I understood from your problem description, you could do something
simpler. Instead of listing all the tags, ask CVSNT to show you only the
tag you are trying to fix:

cvs rlog -S -rTAG-NAME-HERE modulename

It should list all the revisions the have this tag. Look for the
more recent one, checkout or update your module to that date and tag it
Obviously, you can't rely blindly on this method. It will fail if you
have a file revision that was commited before the incomplete tag and
was missing from your sandbox at that moment.


> Glen Starrett wrote:
>> I see you already figured out how to solve your immediate problem,
>> but FYI I figured out you can get the time a tag was placed with the
>> history command.
>> cvs history -T -a -n ModuleName
> That will only work if the tag was set using the RTag command, not the
> regular Tag command. Furthermore this will only produce results if you
> query exactly for the module name that was tagged - not if you query
> for a submodule (or even a file therein) or a different, overlapping
> virtual module. On top of that you are assuming that history logging is
> enabled in the first place and that the history file is complete. I
> would guess that admins tend to purge it from time to time when it
> reaches a certain size.
> Cheers,
> --
> Oliver
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