[cvsnt] RE: Harvest CVS File Properties using Perl?

Williams, Tim WilliamsTim at PRAIntl.com
Thu Jun 9 19:13:34 BST 2005

 That does help.  I was hoping I could access it directly from the File
Properties somehow, but it does look as though I can grab the time field
from the Entries file and compare it with the time stamp on the server,
correcting for UTC in Entries with Local Time on the File Server. 
I will post on the TCVS group and see what they have to say as well.
Thanks Oliver.

[cvsnt] Re: Harvest CVS File Properties using Perl?
Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net 
Thu Jun 9 15:19:50 BST 2005 
Williams, Tim wrote: > I would like to determine the status of files
managed by CVS (in my > sandbox) and not have to do it using the CVS
Status command, but > rather by accessing the extended file properties.
For example, I can > view the status in Windows Explorer by adding the
"CVS Status" column > to the explorer view - this is what I want to
capture in my Perl > script (Not in CVS , Not Modified, Modified....)
These columns come from TortoiseCVS if I'm not mistaken. And Tortoise
very probably produces them based on the ./CVS/Entries file. You could
simply do the same. Hope this helps. -- Oliver 

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Williams, Tim  
> Sent:	Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:43 AM
> To:	'cvsnt at cvsnt.org'
> Subject:	Harvest CVS File Properties using Perl? 
> Hi folks,
>   I would like to determine the status of files managed by CVS (in my
> sandbox) and not have to do it using the CVS Status command, but
> rather by accessing the extended file properties.  For example, I can
> view the status in Windows Explorer by adding the "CVS Status" column
> to the explorer view - this is what I want to capture in my Perl
> script (Not in CVS , Not Modified, Modified....)
>  I have done this in the past by piping the CVS Status command to a
> file and then parsing the output to find what I need, but I would
> prefer a more direct route.  This may be able to be accomplished in VB
> using Microsoft's DSOFile.dll  but I'd much prefer to use Perl. 
> I'd appreciate any advice you may be able to offer.
> Tim
> SAS Systems Administrator
> PRA International
> Charlottesville VA, USA

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