[cvsnt] Re: Problem with xcopy in postcommand scirpt

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Jun 13 23:15:31 BST 2005

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 13:28:11 -0700, "Matt Schuckmann"
<matthew_schuckmann at amat.com> wrote:

I have now tried out your proposed xcopy script and I also fail
completely to make it work...
If I put a dir <foldername> into the bat file called by postcommand it
sends back data as expected (albeit with double spacing).
But if I add an xcopy command to copy a fixed dir to another fixed
location on my disk like this:
xcopy F:\Tmp\*.* E:\Temp\test\*.* /S /Y /I
then nothing at all happens.

If I run this batch file interactively then the files get copied...

And amazingly, if I use the copy command instead of xcopy then the
files do get copied when run from postcommand!

Go figure....

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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