[cvsnt] Link Exchage Request - RTI Software

Trina Miller trina at fmgconsultants.com
Fri Jun 17 18:17:12 BST 2005

Greetings Tech Support,

I am trying to gain some exposure on the web for rti-software.com.  
This site offers improved customer relations with their advanced 
customer relationship management solutions.

I'd like you to consider adding this site to your links page.

In exchange we have added your wesite to our links directory on the 
website:  http://www.rti-software.com/electronics-software.html

Please find below the URL information for this site:

URL:  http://www.rti-software.com
Title:  Customer Relationship Managment Solutions
Description:  Improve customer relations with our advanced customer 
relationship management solutions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Trina Miller
Freelance Marketing Group, Inc.

Marketing Manager
tmiller at fmgconsultants.com

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