[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT does not seem to return from a cvs chekout command shelled out from WHS script.

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Sat Mar 12 23:06:32 GMT 2005

Another thing to note...

Brian J. Davis wrote:
>          cmdLineExec = WshShell.Exec( command );
>          while( cmdLineExec.Status == 0 )
>          {
>             WScript.Echo( "Executing: " + command );
>          }

This is wrong anyway because:

(a) It hogs the CPU - put a sleep(500) at least in there otherwise cvs 
will get no time to run.
(b) It doesn't read the stdout and stderr - which means that the 
application will eventually block until you start reading some data. 
this may be what you're seeing.


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