[cvsnt] Added files occasionally turning up at root of repository.

Mike Wake mike.wake at thales-tts.com
Tue Mar 15 10:45:45 GMT 2005

Hi All,

I don't know what the hell my users are doing to cause this (I think it 
may NOT be their fault) but occasionally they seem to add and commit 
files to the root of the repository.  I have tried to get them to show 
me exactly what they did and it seems all above board to me.  I have 
made many attempts to characterise the bug so that I can report it, but 
I have so far failed to find a reproducable way to reproduce the 
problem.  Is it a known bug with 2.0.58d? Has anyone else ever noticed 
this happening and just put it down to user error?

I'll try to explain what I mean.
Say I have a repository

Which contains the CVSROOT control files in

And contains a top level directory for the product we are developing in 
this repository.

The Product contains a series of sub directories where most of the 
development goes on including adding additional files

The problem occasionally surfaces when my users add and commit a file to 
  a relatively deep directory.
/home/cvs/CVSREPOS/Product/projects/cust1/config/{This is where new file 
is theoretically added}

And this is where the new file turns up
/home/cvs/CVSREPOS/{new file erroneously turns up here}

We are all using WinCVS (Build 1)
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.58d (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.58d (client/server)


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