[cvsnt] "Failed to obtain lock..." when releasing

Arca Artem arcaartem at mail.com
Thu Mar 17 11:50:31 GMT 2005


I get the following error message when I try to release my project folder:

cvs.exe [release aborted]: Failed to obtain lock on /.directory_history,v: 
FAIL Lock not within repository

My CVSROOT is ":local:/Dev/CVSRoot" and this is the command line that's used 
when trying to release:

"K:\Dev\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "-Q" "release" "-d" "-f" "DEV_SMARTPOS"

"DEV_SMARTPOS" foder is in K:\ and has several sub-folders. It is OK when I 
try to release any of the subfolders but NOT OK when releasing the project 
root. The project root *is* a module inside the repository.

I need to release everything in one go, please advise on a possible 

Kind Regards,

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