[cvsnt] Linux xinetd service - sserver

Jason Williard jason at pcsafe.com
Thu Mar 17 22:53:29 GMT 2005

I am trying to setup cvsnt with SSL.  I would like to be able to connect via
the sserver method, but have been having difficulties doing so.  I believe
that I have incorrectly configured the xinetd service for this.  Here is
what I have.  Does anyone know if this is correct?

service cvssserver
        disable         = no
        port            = 8003
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        group           = root
        passenv         = PATH
        env             = 'HOME=/cvs'
        server          = /usr/local/bin/cvs
        server_args     = -f server

Thank You,
Jason Williard
PCSafe, Inc.

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