[cvsnt] Re: Has the format of CVS Entries file changed in CVSNT > 2.0.51d?

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Mar 22 17:58:55 GMT 2005

M. wrote:
> Also, am I right in assuming 1) on the server side, that CVSNT server 
> repository formats are not backward compatible, so that once upgraded by 
> use of a more recent version of CVSNT, there is no going back to an 
> earlier version (2.0.51d in my case), 

Basically, although you might get away with it depending on which 
features you use.

and 2) on the client sandbox side,
> that one cannot and should not mix earlier and later clients in the same 
> sandbox? (The earlier one used by the editor, so as not to confuse it, 
> and the later client used for the new features.)

You can mix them, provided you stick to options that are common to both 
- eg. don't used the 'alternative' CVSROOT options, don't use -k options 
that aren't supported by both, etc.

The CVS/Entries is the same - all the new stuff is in CVS/Entries.Extra

You might have issues with edit/unedit across multiple clients as cvsnt 
doesn't store them in quite the same way (because we have per-branch 
edits now).  If you're just working concurrently though this isn't an issue.


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