[cvsnt] CVSNT Broken! taginfo - Additional Info

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Mar 24 00:21:00 GMT 2005

Josh Skains wrote:
> Wow, there are a bunch of changes to the taginfo. The output is
> different, the poor support of the errorlevels, etc.
> For example, used to be, the server would hand the path as
> "/repository/module/subdirectory". Now it just hands
> "module/subdirectory". Is there any documentation on all these changes
> and why they needed to be changed?

It hasn't been changed as such, except for some minor changes across 
versions to make it more consistent.  Bo is the expert on the formats, 
as the major user of the files (I make sure he thinks everyting is OK 
before releasing).

In 2.5.01 you can redefine the output to be anything you like though if 
you don't like it... Try

DEFAULT cmd.exe /c echo %r/%p %o %p %>{%s %v}


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