[cvsnt] Import on 2.5.01 creates unusable loginfo data...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Mar 25 10:50:49 GMT 2005

the actions on import are really different from before, in fact they
are in principle unusable...
I made a test import just now to check the handling of file data for
CVSMailer for import and it really did not work at all.

The command line argument came out like this:
Parameter 4: ImportTest251 ,,,

Whereas it used to be something like this in earlier versions (log
from last year):
Parameter 4: ImpTest -\ Imported\ sources

The command line argument for Import used to not contain any file
data, just the module followed by the message about the Imported

On the STDIN this is what I got today using 2.5.01:

Update of /Korvkiosk/ImportTest251
In directory altair:F:\CVSTEMP\cvs-serv3352

Modified Files:
Log Message:
no message

But it used to be like this:

Update of /pc/ImpTest
In directory antares:C:\\cvstemp\\cvs-serv3028

Log Message:
no message


Vendor Tag:	Module1
Release Tags:	Version6
U ImpTest/FifthFile.txt
U ImpTest/FourthFile.txt
U ImpTest/SecondFile.txt
N ImpTest/SixthFile.txt
U ImpTest/ThirdFile.txt

No conflicts created by this import

CVSMailer parsing in the import case is using several items of what is
passed to it in order to determine how to compile the message:
1) The word "Status:" on STDIN signifies an import operation
2) The "Vendor Tag:" item gives me the Vendor branch tag name
3) The "Release Tags:" item gives me the release tag name
4) The file list tells me the names of the files concerned
5) The leading char in the file list tells me if the file is new

Depending on if the file is new or old and if there is a vendor branch
or not I can set the revision data properly. No revision can be
decoded from the command line or STDIN, so only for new files can I
infer revisions. I set old to NONE and new to or 1.1 depending
on Vendor branch or not.

All of this has completely broken down now that I am not getting any
data at all for cvs import....

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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