[cvsnt] FW: HELP!!

McCarter, Stacy Stacy.McCarter at dor.mo.gov
Thu Mar 31 13:33:13 BST 2005

This morning we had a loss of network connection. Then the server was
re-booted. Now, when anyone tries to connect to cvs, they are unable to
connect, including myself. I use Wincvs, it gives me the following error
when try to connect:


CVSROOT: mccars at dorwcvs:/cvsrep (password authentication) cvs -d
:pserver:mccars at dorwcvs:/cvsrep login Logging in to
:pserver:mccars at dorwcvs:2401:/cvsrep

cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server dorwcvs rejected access to
/cvsrep for user mccars


The service is started, and the permissions have not changed. Do you know
why it would be rejecting everyone? Do you know what I should try?





Stacy McCarter

Missouri Dept of Revenue


 <mailto:stacy.mccarter at dor.mo.gov> stacy.mccarter at dor.mo.gov


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