[cvsnt] Can't log in to cvsnt 2.5.01

commedo commedo at portal.ebdesk.com
Thu May 12 08:53:53 BST 2005

System Info:
OS: RH 7.3/RHEL AS 3
CVS client: CVS 2.5.01 and WinCVS (build 2)

I compiled cvsnt from source code. CVSNT server run on port 2401 and
LockServer on port 2402. Both are running well (I checked by telnet to those

But while I'm trying to connect (log in) CVSNT server via remote using CVS
client and WinCVS, the server return the following messages:

CVS Client:
$ /usr/local/bin/cvs -d :pserver:user at host:2401:/usr/local/cvsroot login
Logging in to :pserver:user at host:2401:/usr/local/cvsroot
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: /usr/local/cvsroot: no such repository

WinCVS (similar error messages):
cvs -d :pserver;username=user;hostname=host:/usr/local/cvsroot login 
Logging in to :pserver:user at host:2401:/usr/local/cvsroot
cvs [login aborted]: /usr/local/cvsroot: no such repository

But, I can connect to CVSNT server locally using CVS client in same host,
$ /usr/local/bin/cvs -d :local:/usr/local/cvsroot ls
Listing modules on server


Can anyone help me?




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