[cvsnt] Re: add -r option not working

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Wed May 18 01:10:22 BST 2005

Matt Schuckmann wrote:

> I updated the sandbox with the command.
> cvs up -A -r HEAD

That's redundant.. it'll produce a really odd entries file (which should 
normally be coped with but may be server dependent).

> I executed the add command
> cvs add -rFIX1 e.cpp
> I get the following message.
> cvs server: scheduling file `e.cpp' for addition on branch `HEAD'
> cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

That's not what happens for me at all... what version are you using?

D:\t>cvs ver
Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 1969 

D:\t>cvs up -A
D:\t>cvs add -r test_branch test.txt
cvs add: scheduling file `test1.txt' for addition on branch `test_branch'
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

D:\t>cvs commit -m "add to branch" test.txt
RCS file: d:\repo/test/test.txt,v
Checking in test.txt;
d:\repo/foo/test.txt,v  <--  test1.txt
new revision:; previous revision: 1.1

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