[cvsnt] Migrating CVS repository directory

NELSON Jeff JNELSON at covansys.com
Tue May 24 15:33:18 BST 2005

Yes, you can do this, however you will invalidate all sandboxes that are
on client PCs.  To get around this follow this procedure.

First you need to have all updated local sandboxes commit any
outstanding changes.

Then on the server you can move the directory to the new location and
then use the CVSNT control panel applet to update the directory mapping.

Then recreate each of the sandboxes using the new repository location.

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Aaron Kynaston
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:26 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org; zou.min at renesas.com
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] Migrating CVS repository directory

I don't know the server side of things very well, but all sandboxes with
code from that repository will need to be updated.

Whenever I do something simliar, I check in and delete all of the
sandboxes (to ensure that all the code is in the repository. 

Then, move the repository and re-checkout.

I think as long as your CVSROOT's specified go to the correct
repositories you shoudn't have any issue.

Whats your goal with multiple repositorys?

>>> Min ZOU <zou.min at renesas.com> 5/24/2005 7:28:16 AM >>>

Currently I have a single repository at "c:\cvsrepo" directory with
several modules, because I didn't anticipate that I would like to have
multiple repositories one day.

Now problem arises, I want to create multiple repositories under a
central directory "c:\repositories", so my current repository would be
at "c:\repositories\cvsrepo". What's the easiest way to achieve this?

Can I just move the entire directory "cvsrepo" into the newly created
"c:\repositories" directory, and then re-configure the directory mapping
  in CVSNT control panel?


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