[cvsnt] Restricted access privileges to users for different folders on CV S Server
Ranade, Kirti
Kirti_Ranade at syntelinc.com
Thu May 26 10:06:10 BST 2005
We are using CVSNT 2.0.3.
Usage: cvs chacl -R [-r tag] {user|default}:[{[r][w][c]|[n]}] [directory...]
-R Recursively set permissions
-r Set permissions on specific branch
I first logged is as a local admin on the cvs server.
Then gave -
cvs chacl -R user:n directory
The system gives an error
cvs chacl: in directory .:
cvs [chacl aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first
I also have done a cvs checkout, but still the same error.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jari Ahonen [mailto:jah at progress.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:53 PM
To: Ranade, Kirti; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [cvsnt] Restricted access privileges to users for
different folderson CV S Server - Email found in subject
> We need to set seperate access rights (r/w/n) to different
> users within the repository. we have tried chacl command, but
> it does not work. Can anyone give us the correct syntax for
> the chacl command.
It does work and the syntax is in the help file.
The trick is that by default everyone has full access so you first
need to specify a default ACL that denies this full access and then
add any user/group specific ACLs permitting access.
For example:
cvs chacl -a noread,nowrite,nocreate,notag,nocontrol
cvs chacl -u groupname -a read,write,create,tag,control
cvs chacl -u username -a read
This will set up deny-everything defaults with read-only for user
"username" and full access to group "groupname".
- Jari
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