[cvsnt] cvsnt installation problem on windows 2000 server

Yunfeng Xu yunfeng51 at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 17:25:39 BST 2005

cvsnt 2.5.01 build 1976 on windows 2000 ad server.
I ran the setup program and setup the repository and temp directory.
But I don't know how to choose the protocol  and how to setup cvs administrator accout and user account. So I assume that I can use windows users as cvs user. And try:
set cvsroot=:pserver:administrator at mypc:/cvs/cvsrepo
cvs login
After enter the password, then system display:
Logging in to :pserver:yunfeng at mypc:2401:/cvs/cvsrepo
CVS password: ********
cvs [login aborted]: Cannot login: Server has insufficient rights to validate us
er account - contact your system administrator
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it above?

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