[SPAM] - RE: [SPAM] - RE: [cvsnt] Restricted access privilege s to users for different folderson CV S Server - Email found in subject - Email found in subject

Ranade, Kirti Kirti_Ranade at syntelinc.com
Fri May 27 10:17:08 BST 2005

Thanks for the help.

It worked !!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jari Ahonen [mailto:jah at progress.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:42 PM
To: Ranade, Kirti; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [SPAM] - RE: [cvsnt] Restricted access privileges
to users for different folderson CV S Server - Email found in subject -
Email found in subject

> could u clarify further

You need to run the chacl command in a checked-out module.

In other words:
$ cvs checkout modulename
$ cd modulename
$ cvs chacl -u user/group -a read,write,create
$ cvs lsacl

- Jari

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