[cvsnt] cvsnt server detects changes on unchanged file (with Cygwin CVS client)

Martin Kögler e9925248 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri May 27 13:44:50 BST 2005

CVSNT server detects changes in unchanged files, if they are commited with the
cygwin cvs client.

For example:
I added php.ini-dist (out of the precompiled Windows php distribution of Version 4.3.11)
to the cvs using the cygwin command line client (pserver protocol):

$cvs add php.ini-dist
cvs server: scheduling file `php.ini-dist' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

$cvs commit -m "Test"
cvs commit: Examining .
RCS file: /d//cvs/test/kögler/php.ini-dist,v
Checking in php.ini-dist;
/d//cvs/test/kögler/php.ini-dist,v  <--  php.ini-dist
initial revision: 1.1

Then I touched the file and issued a commit for the directory some times:

$ touch php.ini-dist
$ cvs commit -m "Test"
cvs commit: Examining .
Checking in php.ini-dist;
/d//cvs/test/kögler/php.ini-dist,v  <--  php.ini-dist
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3

The md5sum of the commit php.ini-dist has not changed (12e138ab2b938a12c74c7806da15b821 in my case).

The detected changes in rcs file are:
@a864 1


@a380 1

a437 1

a748 1

a772 1

d865 1

@a281 1

d381 1
a417 1

d439 1
a627 1

d751 1
a771 1

d776 1

The used versions are:

Server (Windows 2000):
Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 1976 (client/server)

Client (Cygwin):
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.17 (client/server)
cygwin cvs version 1.11.6 shows the same problems.

What (and how many) lines have changed, is randomly. Even for a 3 line file, sometimes
such changes are detected.

If I try the same thing using a very old cvsnt server (cvsnt 1.11.1.X), it works as 
expected (no changes are detected and commited).
Also a cvs server  1.11.2 under Linux detects not such changes.

mfg Martin Kögler
e9925248 at stud4.tuwien.ac.at

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