SV: [cvsnt] directory references

Kenneth Sørensen KES at
Wed Nov 2 09:12:01 GMT 2005

Hi Bo

We use batch-files and Makefiles to compile our software and would like to update some common libraries before we compile the software.

I am aware of the different line-endings in linux/Cygwin and Windows. It is not a problem for us because make and GCC can handle Windows line-endings.

The scenario with the batch-file is as follows:

We have the common libraries in a sandbox located in "c:\cvslib\lib-pic\" The software for the project is in another sandbox located in "c:\cvswork\theproject\"

In the project we have a batch-file called make.bat, which is used to retrieve the latest copy of the libraries and compile the software.

The contents are:
cvs update ..\..\cvslib\lib-pic
mpasm theproject.asm

When I do it this way CVSNT returns with the error: "cvs [update aborted]: writing to server socket: error -1"

I hope this made clear what the problem is?


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Bo Berglund [mailto:Bo.Berglund at]
Sendt: 2. november 2005 09:39
Til: Kenneth Sørensen; cvsnt at
Emne: RE: [cvsnt] directory references

What *exactly* are you trying to do?
The contents of the batch file would help a bit....

We use batch files all the time with CVS in our release setup
build process and it works fine.
You just have to mimic exactly what you would do on the command
line to get the results you need.
So enter manually the needed commands on a command prompt and
record what you did in order to get the right data, then create
the batch file with this contents and you should be fine.

But I would be careful not to mix Windows commands with Cygwin,
especially not in the same sandbox, because inherently Cygwin
commands create UNIX style files whereas Windows commands create
Windows style file (different line endings).

Be careful here!


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at]On Behalf
Of Kenneth Sørensen
Sent: den 2 november 2005 07:42
To: cvsnt at
Subject: [cvsnt] directory references

Hi list

We would like to use CVSNT to update some files from a Windows batch-file and from a GNU Makefile (cygwin). However, we have problems referencing the files because they stay in another directory and sandbox.

The batch-file or Makefile is run from "c:\cvswork\somemodule\" and the files to update is placed in "c:\cvslib\somelibrary\"

We have tried the command "cvs update ..\..\cvslib\somelibrary\" but CVSNT responds with the error "cvs [update aborted]: writing to server socket: error -1". Our experiments indicate that CVSNT is not able to reference across sandboxes.

Is it possible to do this and how do we do it?

We use CVSNT 2.0.58d client and server.

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