[cvsnt] CVSNT Problem

Ori Koren ori.koren at cadent.co.il
Thu Nov 3 13:50:57 GMT 2005



We are using the CVSNT 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 1976 On Microsoft Windows
server 2003 for few months.


However we have a reoccurring problem:


>From time to time we get an error message " bad auth protocol end:" which
appear in Application Event Viewer as a CVSNT error.


We've noticed that after getting such an error when we try to restart the
CVS service, we get following error "Failed to bind socket: Only one usage
of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally
permitted."  Which appear in Application Event Viewer.


The only way to resolve it we found is by restarting the computer.



Is this a familiar problem? Is there any solution?



Ori Koren.


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