[cvsnt] CVS Ingore

Amy Hemmingsen Amy.Hemmingsen at iticket.no
Fri Nov 4 09:39:55 GMT 2005


Does anyone know if it is possible to ignore/skip over lines in a file
that begin with certain words when trying to determine if the file has
been truly modified?  


I am using the development tool Power++ by Sybase.  Power++ stores
information within the C++ source code and sometimes two users may get
conflicts when checking in a file not because the C++ has changed but
simply because the Power++ has some internal generatedcode for the IDE.


We would like to ignore this lines that cause a file to be modified when
the C++ code has infact not be edited. 

For example:

Ignore all lines that begin with GencodeSrcLine:

GencodeSrcLine 80;

GencodeSrcLine 84;

GencodeSrcLine 130;



Best Regards

Amy Hemmingsen


amy.hemmingsen at iticket.no






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