[cvsnt] Regarding Installation in CITRIX

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Fri Nov 11 17:21:33 GMT 2005

> From: [...] Mallesh
> My organization is new to version control systems (i.e. till 
> now we are not using any version control soft-wares). Now we 
> are planning to build CVSNT on CITRIX environment working on 
> Windows 2000 server. But we are in confusion, is CVSNT 
> support the CITRIX environment or not. If yes which type of 
> protocol (sspi, pserver etc...) we have to use. Can any body 
> help me to build fail-safe environment. 

[Disclaimer: A long time ago, I was Citrix certified.  Not on current
versions.  Also, this is based on my knowledge of how the use of
winstations bends the rules on Windows; I have not tried it.]

I assume you mean Citrix Metaframe running on top of Windows 2000
configured as a terminal server.  To my knowledge, neither client nor
server do anything that should break in that environment.  System
services don't really care about winstations, and there are no 'magic'
prt numbers or similar that could cause problems.  However, if possible
I'd run the CVSNT server on its own dedicated server, and definitely not
on a machine that is a terminal server with many users on it.  This
would improve your performance, and also improve your chances of getting
support from the people on this list if anything breaks in that

The CVSNT client does very little; I'd have no issues with running that
inside a winstation.

		- Peter
Peter Crowther, Director, Melandra Limited
John Dalton House, 121 Deansgate, Manchester M3 2AB
t: +44 (0)161 828 8736  f: +44 (0)161 832 5683

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