[cvsnt] Help: Switch to user failed due to configuration error

Randy McCharles RandyMcCharles at smarttech.com
Fri Nov 18 17:37:44 GMT 2005

Bo sent out installation tips yesterday.
Prior to that I resolved this problem by setting "Run as user" to a local machine admin and "default domain" to the user domain.
pserver now allows domain users to authenticate without configuration errors.
That said, I don't know if there are side-effects to this configuration. My server event viewer still lists authentication problems even though CVSNT processes the user requests.

Randy McCharles

SMART Technologies Inc.

Senior Software Developer

Tel. 403.802.3347  Fax 403.229.2531
randymccharles at smarttech.com

Bringing people and ideas together.(tm)

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Benoit David
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 10:27 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Help: Switch to user failed due to configuration error

Hi all,

I have CVSNT installed on a Windows 2003 x64 server and I am 
trying to connect from a Windows XP client (using Eclipse and TortoiseCVS).

When I try to connect from Totrtoise or Eclipse using pserver, 
authentication pass but I then receive the following message:

CVSROOT=:pserver:bda at xxxxx:/CVSREPO

Logging in to :pserver:bda at xxxxx:2401:/CVSREPO
Fatal error, aborting.
cvs.exe [login aborted]: bda: Switch to user failed due to configuration 
error.  Contact your System Administrator.

sspi works fine with Tortoise but is not available with Eclipse.

Any help please, Benoit.

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