[cvsnt] mirror/synchronize cvs repositories (CVSNTUpd) ?

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Fri Nov 25 06:42:22 GMT 2005


Just a quick note from the commercial side of CVSNT.

Mirroring is quite simple and we do it internally (and just as well
since each of our servers has had disk crashes in the past 12 months).  

All pro support (level 2 and higher) customers receive all the software
they need to do this.  It doesn't actually say that on the web site
though - hopefully will soon.

Synchronizing is not currently recommended.  After analyzing over a
hundred different commercial requests for this - every time we found
there was a better solution. CVS was designed to work over a WAN very
well - so it does not suffer from the bandwidth problems that other
systems do that need these synchoronisation features.

Please post the business case for your question, then people with the
experience of solving similar issues can recommend a technical solution.
What business problem are you attempting to solve (or considering
solving) by using synchronisation? 

Someone in this thread mentions distributed repositories.  Just a point
of semantics: distributed repositories are great - but synchronizing
centralised repositories is not the same.


Arthur Barrett

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Bernhard Merkle
Sent: Thursday, 24 November 2005 9:27 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] mirror/synchronize cvs repositories (CVSNTUpd) ?

Hi there,

what it the recommended way to mirror or synchronize cvs repositories ?

I would describe mirroring as:
	server A does READ/WRITE access, while server B only has READ

- This sould be possible with CVSNTUp or simply copy the whole 
repository ? (while CVSNTUp seems to be more efficient ;-)
- Has anyone used CVSNTUpd ? Any problems ?
- It there a better method in CVSNT ? (so not to use CVSNTUpd) ?
- Does it matter if A is "normal" cvs on unix and B is cvs-nt on nt ? 
(or vice versa ?)

I would describe synchronize as:
	 BOTH server A and B are doing READ/WRITE  .

- Is this possible with cvs ?
(I can imagine all kinds of problems with time synchronization, 
conflicting changes etc.). I think cvs is NOT designed for distribued 
repositories with READ/WRITE access, right ?
So only one master with READ/WRITE and N mirror with READ, right ?

thanks for you help,
kind regards,
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