[cvsnt] Re: problem after server upgrade - "tag '' must start with a letter"

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Mon Nov 28 13:21:25 GMT 2005

One last try before I conclude that I have to remove these files from the

>From reading the RCS file documentation, it seems to me that this part
defines the tags on the file:


The definition of tags seems to be given with

  symbols {sym : num}*;

When I parse the above part manually, I don't see how cvsnt would see an
empty tag here (as indicated by the error message). An empty tag could be
the result of whitespace followed by a colon followed by a revision number,
but there doesn't seem to be anything like this here. Also both tags look
legit to me (and to cvsnt 2.0.34 :).

Anybody any clue what could be wrong with this file? Or what I could try to
fix it? Or maybe someone can try to reproduce the problem with the file


> Hello,
> as some might remember from the flood of messages, I upgraded my server
> yesterday from 2.0.34 to 2.5.03 and am working through the issues :)
> Now it's a few files that give me the error message:
>   cvs up .cvsignore
>   cvs [server aborted]: tag '' must start with a letter
> Or
>   cvs edit .cvsignore
>   cvs [server aborted]: tag '' must start with a letter
>   cvs [edit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if
> any)
> I'm not familiar at all with the format of repository files, and I can't
> run any cvs command on these files to help me diagnose what's wrong; all
> return the same error message. So I'm a bit lost here. (FWIW, these files
> did get processed just fine by 2.0.34.)
> Since it seems to be related to tags and tags seem to be stored in the RCS
> files (the repository files with names ending in ",v"), I appended below
> the contents of such a problem file. It seems to me that the tags are fine;
> the second one starts with a lower case "L", not with a number "one".
> Besides, it wouldn't explain why the error message refers to an empty tag.
> Can anybody tell me what I can do to get rid of this error message (short
> of removing the files from the repository and re-adding the last revision
> from the sandbox)?
> Thanks,
> Gerhard
--- start of file -----------------------------------------
head	1.2;
locks; strict;
comment	@# @;

date	2005.;	author gfiedler;	state Exp;
next	1.1;
deltatype	text;
permissions	666;
commitid	76c422c6a440000;
kopt	kv;
filename	@.cvsignore@;

date	2003.;	author gfiedler;	state Exp;
next	;
deltatype	text;


@*** empty log message ***


@no message
@d6 1
d9 1

--- end of file -----------------------------------------

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