[cvsnt] mirror/synchronize cvs repositories (CVSNTUpd) ?

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Tue Nov 29 15:59:40 GMT 2005

Gerhard Fiedler wrote:

> Even with a good infrastructure, people may have a server on a LAN behind
> an ADSL connection with very poor upload speeds. Getting a decent two-way
> connection or renting a dedicated server with a good connection in many
> places costs more than an additional programmer on the team... 

Renting servers is dirt cheap - I rent one in the US... I pay $60 a 
month but get 224MB RAM, 75GB/month transfer and a 100MB burst speed... 
far more than is needed for cvs (it also runs the wiki & mailing list, 
which need the RAM during peak times).

I've got another server on an ADSL connection... ADSL is not slow - it's 
more than fast enough for a cvs tree... the entire cvsnt setup was run 
on an ADSL connection for years.

Synchronising overnight will not work since you can be 12 hours behind 
the development - synchronisation is better done on short intervals - 
5-15 minutes, so you have some idea of the current state of the tree. 
Dialup can't really do that (it can't do the 8 our thing either - an 8 
hour phone call every day of the week at UK prices 8 hours * 31 days = 
5* the cost of a DSL line... just not worth the effort.. and those 
economics haven't changed even from the days we used to pay £1000/month 
for a 64kb leased line vs per minute cost of ISDN (dialup was too 
unreliable back then and had trouble staying connected for 8 minutes let 
alone 8 hours)).

We're talking about *business* here not a single user working at home. 
A business that won't invest in its infrastructure isn't going to last 
very long.


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