[cvsnt] Trouble with pserver on WinXP

John Waugh john.waugh at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 22:44:18 BST 2005

I installed and set up CVSNT on my XP machine, made a repository, no problem
I can log in via pserver also with no problem
but when I try to check something out I get:
cvs [checkout aborted]: cvs [server aborted]: This server reqires a signed
or encrypted connection

here's an example:

E:\> set CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous:@
E:\>cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at

E:\>cvs checkout -P module
cvs [checkout aborted]: cvs [server aborted]: This server reqires a signed
or encrypted connection

I can then go to the CVSNT control panel and set Encryption to "Request
Authentication" and the checkout works
only when the "Require Authentication" is used is there a problem

I have also tried doing "cvs login" with my Administrator account.
Again, the login works fine, and the checkout fails for the same reason.
I have also fiddled with the "Run as user" setting in the CVSNT control
panel - no luck

Anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
I have done a lot of searching on the net, and read the manual, but to no

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