[cvsnt] Re: Connecting Linux clients to cvsnt server running on a windows machine

Luigi D. Sandon cp at sandon.it
Mon Oct 10 13:17:21 BST 2005

> * are there any pitfalls

Be aware of CR/LF issues.

> * which client can I use on the linux machines (on windows we are using

WinCVS is not a client. It is a GUI frontend, in turn it uses the 
cvs.exe executable. AFAIK Cervisia is one of the most used GUI frontend 
under Linux, although a lot of Linux developer uses the command line 
tool or CVS integration within IDEs like Eclipse.

> * which protocol can I use

Any supported protocol.

> * is it possible to use standard cvs on the linux client 

Yes. But you will lose the advanced features of CVSNT. I suggest to 
install CVSNT under Linux too.

> * is it necessary to change or adjust the settings on the server

If you use Eclipse or the standard cvs client you can tune the 
compatibility features. Nothing is required if you use CVSNT.


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