[cvsnt] Re: CVS for Oracle forms.

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Wed Oct 12 15:05:04 BST 2005

Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
> But i hve one problem,
> for example i hve a form, account.fmb
> -i was working on the main trunk itself till it reached revision 1.4
> -then i created a branch on the revision 1.1 and named the branchg as 
> Branch1_1
> -but it doesnt merge it, it just overwrites the revision 1.4 with the 
> Branch1_1 and create a new revision 1.6
> That means branching cannot b used in zat case, am i right?

Branching can be used, but automatic merging doesn't work with binary
files. You need to make sure that either you manually replicate all changes
when you are merging, or use a 3rd party tool that is able to merge these

For example, Microsoft Word includes a merge facility. Even though MS Word
files are binary and stored in cvs as binary files, and thus cvs itself
doesn't do any automatic merging on them, it is possible to do the merge
manually, using Word's own merge facility when you need to merge branches.

Interesting, I did not know about MSWord being able to do this.
Could you just hint on how it is done?
I have numerous cVS controlled files that are MSWord and it would be
valuable to be able to merge different versions of the sama file.

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