[cvsnt] Cannot get file/version information from taginfo

Michael Shiels Michael_Shiels at cpr.ca
Thu Oct 13 17:50:22 BST 2005

I am trying to use the taginfo admin file to generate a log, but I am unable to obtain the filename for the tagged files.  I am running CVSNT on Windows 2003 Server and using version 2.0.58.

Here is the contents of the taginfo file (logcvs.exe simple parses the command line args and standard input and spits them out to a file):
ALL		D:/cvsrepo/scripts/logcvs.exe "D:\cvsrepo\scripts\output\taglog.txt"

My understanding is that the filename and version of the tagged files will be placed on the standard input, however, I'm getting the following:

--- Command Line Args ---
--- Standard Input ---
╪Ä« 1.2
╪Ä« 1.1
╪Ä« 1.1
╪Ä« 1.1
╪Ä« 1.1

I assume that the left string from the standard input is supposed to be the filename.  Does anyone know how to fix the garbled text or another way to obtain the filename/version?



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