Fw: [cvsnt] Re: CVSNT incompatibility with older servers

bwhicks at aep.com bwhicks at aep.com
Fri Oct 14 19:57:50 BST 2005


I finally got a loginfo script that works for me. I'm not sure why, but it
seems like "%s %V %v" is somehow different than "%{sVv}".

Here is what I got to work. My loginfo file looks like this:


fix_loginfo.pl then parses the arguments according to where the commas are
instead of what the ARGV's are, because that is how %{sVv} behaves (if I
pass them individually, I get that funky hang). So my perl looks like this:

my @newARGV = split (/\,/,"@ARGV");
if ($newARGV[0] =~ /(\w+)\/+(\w+) \- New directory\s*/ ) {
    $output = $timestamp." A new directory called ".$2
              ." was created in ".$1." by user ".$newARGV[4];
} else {
    $output = $timestamp." User ".$newARGV[4]
              ." has changed the file '".$newARGV[0]
              ."' from version ".$newARGV[1]
              ." to version ".$newARGV[2];

`echo "$output" >> $newARGV[3]/CVSROOT/commitlog `;

Thanks for your help, everyone...


             bwhicks at aep.com                                               
             Sent by:                                                      
             cvsnt-bounces at cvs                                          To 
             nt.org                    Tony Hoyle                          
                                       <tony.hoyle at march-hare.com>,        
                                       bo.berglund at telia.com               
             10/13/2005 08:42                                           cc 
             AM                        cvsnt at cvsnt.org                     
                                       Re: Fw: [cvsnt] Re: CVSNT           
                                       incompatibility with older servers  

Tony and Bo,

Your information here is greatly appreciated. I am going to try to modify
my scripts to check for these cases and see what I come up with. I'll post
back the results...


             Tony Hoyle
             <tony.hoyle at march
             -hare.com>                                                 To
             Sent by:                  cvsnt at cvsnt.org
             cvsnt-bounces at cvs                                          cc
                                       Re: Fw: [cvsnt] Re: CVSNT
             10/12/2005 05:13          incompatibility with older servers

Bo Berglund wrote:

> I did once (in 2003 according to the cvs annotations on the source
> lines that do the detection work) check up on exactly what CVSNT sends
> as the arguments with %{sVv} when a new folder is added, but I have
> forgotten what it does now. It definitely was a problem though because
> the argument list was different.
Directories don't have versions, so the Vv bit is a noop (normally ends
up with a couple of commas at the end IIRC).

The second argument is "- New Directory".

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