[cvsnt] corruption of binary files on checkout

Corey Wirun corey at wirun.homelinux.net
Fri Oct 21 21:05:06 BST 2005

Previous post on setting up my CVSNT server:  poof!  That did the trick.  Thanks Tony!

So I have a repository created and I imported my first module.

I thought I would do a test compare by checking out the module and comparing it to it's source since I have a Word document and a couple of .zip files in the source tree.  I used wincvs to import the module and it properly scanned and detected that the .DOC and .ZIP were binary.  

cvs import -d -I ! -I CVS -W "*.bmp -k 'b'" -W "*.lib -k 'b'" -W "*.ico -k 'b'" -W "*.zip -k 'b'" -W "*.doc -k 'b'" -m "Initial load" -n -- module_110

Then I used wincvs to check out the module and both the .doc and .zip's were corrupted.

Image files in the module appeared to compare okay.

Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  I tried re-importing and setting wincvs to FORCE BINARY on the file types, but no luck.  I don't think this is a wincvs problem, hense my posting this problem here.  I'm running 2.5.01 2125 on my RH8 linux server and 2.0.51d on WinXP.

Thanks in Advance!

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