[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT 2.6 database engine?

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Mon Oct 24 15:08:59 BST 2005

> It's the standard mysql API - it just goes through an 
> abstraction layer than handles the differences between
> databases.  Mysql 3.23 was the last usable version...
> All other database manufacturers allow linking to their
> client APIs without a special license.  Mysql requires 
> you to buy a commercial license to do so, and that's 
> just not going to happen, so support is being 
> depreciated, and will eventually be dropped.

Tony mentioned MSSQL through ODBC so it sounds like there will be a
generic ODBC driver.  If that's the case, then MySQL is still a valid
option.  MySQL has ODBC drivers too.

I also wish that MySQL licensing was more straight forward in their
sales speak, but the server is released under the GPL.  As is the C#
Connector/Net, Connector/ODBC and Java Connector/J.  So, really, it
doesn't matter what they *say* requires a license from them unless you
have bought into MySQL-AB's commercial offerings.  It matters what the
GPL requires for the vast majority of users out there.  Unfortunately, I
think the GPL+linking question is also a fuzzy area these days.


Aric Czarnowski
Unimax Systems Corporation

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