[cvsnt] What Rights are Needed by CVS-NT RunAsUser?

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Oct 26 01:49:50 BST 2005


If there is any trust at all between the CVSNT server box and the domain controller / active directory then you are better not using RunAsUser and not using PSERVER.  

PSERVER is insecure, particularly if the clients are Windows based then you are better using SSPI.

Please supply exact error messages, version numbers (CVSNT client/server, Windows etc)  and a trace (cvs -ttt) for any bug reports.


Arthur Barrett

-----Original Message-----
From:	cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org on behalf of Richard Coad at HQ x4263
Sent:	Wed 10/26/2005 5:40 AM
To:	'cvsnt at cvsnt.org'
Subject:	[cvsnt] What Rights are Needed by CVS-NT RunAsUser?

I am attempting to get CVS NT configured on a managed Windows 2003 box.
Since it is a managed box, we want to restrict login accounts and use the
cvs passwd aliasing facility to alias cvs account names to the single
Windows user "cvsuser".  I've tested this out on my local box and it works
fine.  On the managed server, however, I get an error message from CVS that
the account "cvsuser" (or domain\cvsuser) does not exist.  If I login to the
managed server and run the command shell, I can successfully checkout just
using "cvs co CVSROOT" but if I use the pserver settings it fails with the
same message about "cvsuser" not existing.

The only thing I can think of is that the "cvsuser" account has been created
with insufficient rights.  What is the minimum required to have pserver
aliasing work?  Thanks.

Richard Coad
Senior Software Engineer
Matson NavigationCompany
Office:  (510) 628-4263

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