[cvsnt] Re: What is required for server to pickup updated CVSROOTinformatiion.

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Oct 28 14:41:24 BST 2005

Luigi D. Sandon wrote:

> > designtime packages) to be in the same absolute position for every
> I suggest to use a path below Delphi folder,

Yuck! Working source code has no business dwelling anywhere below
Program Files...

> this way it is
> accessibile via the $(DELPHI) variable in the IDE search path. Note
> that the latest releases of Delphi allow for environment variables to
> be used the same way.

I don't think this will ultimately be the solution for us, but you got
me thinking nevertheless...  it might well be that my assessment of the
problem was based on outdated information. Maybe there is a way to get
parallel code bases of designtime packages working in an effective
manner after all... The recently uncovered -r argument for managing
independet Delphi IDE configurations would be a solution but so far I
found them a little bit messy and I'd pretty much loose the
CVS-manageability... pondering...


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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