[cvsnt] Connecting to CVSNT Server via VPN

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Wed Sep 7 16:18:07 BST 2005

I have seen this myself when I connect to certain remote networks over
VPN. It is probably due to the way the network handles logins and
user authentication.
My advice to you is to change the connection string as follows:

If you are logged in as Charlie to the network and use the CVSROOT

Then change this to:
  :sspi:Charlie at cvsserver:/repo

You can do this easily using the ChangeCVSROOT macro if you use WinCvs.

After you have done this, open the VPN connection and in the sandbox
issue a cvs login command and enter the password for Charlie.
If the login was successful you are ready to go. This will work both
when you are on your local LAN and when you use VPN.

Done it myself several times.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Worth Robbins
Sent: den 7 september 2005 16:08
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Connecting to CVSNT Server via VPN

I have a CVSNT server implemented on Windows XP Pro sp2, static 
IP address I am connecting from a laptop on the same LAN, using 
TortoiseCVS-1.8.18. I have no problem connecting using both sspi and 

When I disconnect the laptop from the LAN, and connect to the LAN via 
Symantec Client VPN (I have a Symantec Gateway Security 360R box securing 
the LAN), I cannot connect to CVS using either sspi or pserver. Other 
connectivity works i.e. I can ping the server from the laptop by both the 
name (PC325) and the IP address ( I can access network shares 
from the laptop.

Any idea what could be wrong? 

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