[cvsnt] Re: Configuring CVSNT with web browser

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Mon Sep 12 10:05:30 BST 2005

Shashi Kanth Boddula wrote:
> As i learned that , by using viewcvs we can access CVSNT repository
> through a web browser . Viewcvs states that it can be used with CVS and
> Subversion . They are not saying about CVSNT . Can we use viewcvs with

viewcvs works with cvsnt.

> I am also looking at a software where we can access the CVSNT repository
> with web browser as well as performing some normal tasks like check in ,
> check out , import , update , etc ...  .

Those normal tasks are done with the cvsnt client from the command line...
or you can use some ide (visual studio + pushok's plugin) or a front end
(tortoise)... but never via a web browser.

David Somers
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