[cvsnt] Re: Terminal server errors with machine name with/out DNS

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Sep 23 06:36:57 BST 2005

On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 18:57:58 -0700, "Jonathan Sprinkle"
<sprinkle at EECS.Berkeley.Edu> wrote:

>Hi Tony,
>I upgraded to CVSNT 2.5.02, in case that helped. In fact, there are some

There are about 10 versions of 2.5.02, please add the build number
too. The latest is

>In fact, ping replies, as does a request for remote desktop when logged into

Amazingly, I can ping your machine by both IP address and name from
over here too..

>   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : eecs.berkeley.edu

pinging this gets a response

>   IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

as does pinging this...

>Here is my CVSNT error msg with the username not used as CVS root:
>In C:\Documents and Settings\sprinkle\Desktop: "C:\Program
>Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "-x" "login"
>Logging in to :sspi:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work
>cvs.exe [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
>Error, CVS operation failed

I tried telnet to ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401, but never got a
connection, this indicates the server might not be accessible. Is
there a firewall in between?

Then I tried this:

c:\>cvs -d :sspi:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work login
Logging in to :sspi:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work
CVS Password:
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server
ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu: -1: Unknown error

Is this similar to what you get?

Then trying to change the authentication method:

c:\>cvs -d
:sspi;Force=NTLM:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work login
Logging in to :sspi:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work
CVS Password:
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server
ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu: -1: Unknown error

Some problem again...
Switching to pserver:

c:\>cvs -d :pserver:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work login
Logging in to :pserver:sprinkle at ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu:2401:/work
CVS Password:
cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server
ransom.eecs.berkeley.edu rejected access to /work for user sprinkle

To me this indicates the server is at least running, but to check I
changed to a server that is for sure not running cvs, but otherwise

c:\>cvs -d :pserver:sprinkle at www.dn.se:2401:/work login
Logging in to :pserver:sprinkle at www.dn.se:2401:/work
CVS Password:
connect to www.dn.se:2401 failed: No connection could be made because
the target machine actively refused it.

This is the error when there is no cvs service running at all.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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