[cvsnt] Re: Lost keyword expansion setting after multiplemergeswith added files

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Wed Apr 5 17:25:50 BST 2006

I changed the tag value in the bbatch file and also changed the folder
Then I executed the test:


C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>md cvstest

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs add cvstest
Directory /Bosse/Test/CVStests/cvstest added to the repository

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs update -A cvstest
cvs server: Updating cvstest

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cd cvstest

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests\cvstest>echo binary  1>BinaryMerge.txt

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests\cvstest>cvs add -kb BinaryMerge.txt
cvs server: scheduling file `BinaryMerge.txt' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests\cvstest>cvs commit -m "Baseline version"
RCS file: /Bosse/Test/CVStests/cvstest/BinaryMerge.txt,v
Checking in BinaryMerge.txt;
/Bosse/Test/CVStests/cvstest/BinaryMerge.txt,v  <--  BinaryMerge.txt
initial revision: 1.1

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests\cvstest>cd ..

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs update -r BRANCH_AES -jHEAD cvstest
cvs [server aborted]: no such tag BRANCH_AES

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs status cvstest/BinaryMerge.txt
File: BinaryMerge.txt   Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.1
   Repository revision: 1.1
   Expansion option:    b
   Commit Identifier:   83c4433d4ac760c
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      b
   Merge From:          (none)

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs update -r BRANCH_AES -jHEAD cvstest
cvs [server aborted]: no such tag BRANCH_AES

C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs status cvstest/BinaryMerge.txt
File: BinaryMerge.txt   Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.1
   Repository revision: 1.1
   Expansion option:    b
   Commit Identifier:   83c4433d4ac760c
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      b
   Merge From:          (none)


At the end I used WinCvs to get the status of the file:

cvs status -v -- BinaryMerge.txt (in directory
File: BinaryMerge.txt  	Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:	1.1
   Repository revision:	1.1
   Expansion option:	b
   Commit Identifier:	83c4433d4ac760c
   Sticky Tag:		(none)
   Sticky Date:		(none)
   Sticky Options:	b
   Merge From:		(none)

   Existing Tags:
	No Tags Exist

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

As you can see the file is still binary for me...
And the error persists concerning the tag.

The tag BRANCH_AES *does* exist in the *repository* in a completely
different location of course.

Best regards,

Bo Berglund

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Oliver Koltermann
Sent: den 5 april 2006 15:16
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] Re: Lost keyword expansion setting after
multiplemergeswith added files

Hello Bo,

"Bo Berglund" <Bo.Berglund at system3r.se> writes:

> Batch file does not work ....
> You cannot update to a non-existing tag. The tag must be cretaed
> In your batch example there is no tagging included.
> Output example (I removed @echo off so I could see what was going on):
> C:\3RProj\Bosse\Test\CVStests>cvs update -rsomebranch -jHEAD
> cvs [server aborted]: no such tag somebranch

You are right. I used a branch name that existed for other files in my
repository. This checking for known branch names on merge has been
discussed earlier. But this is not the point here. Assume an existing
branch name (for your repository) behind the -r. This file in question
should then be added to this branch.

Of course I could extend the batch file to create another file first,
add it to the branch and commit, but I think this would blow up the
example. So please exchange "somebranch" in the example to a known
(testing) branch name in your repository.

Thank you for trying!

Best regards,
O. Koltermann

PS: I warned you - I'm not a batch-file expert!
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