[cvsnt] chacl problem configuring access to individual files

Hayes, Ted (London) rogercarlton_hayes at ml.com
Wed Apr 26 12:08:12 BST 2006


I am running CVSNT 2.5.03 build 2151 on Solaris 9 with accounts set up
for pserver access, and all pserver accesses run under a single Unix
user account that owns the whole repository.  The repository PServer
file is set up with AclMode=normal and SystemAuth=no and I am a
repository administrator (I am using this configuration rather than ssh
since as a humble grunt programmer although I can sudo to the repository
owner account, I am not allowed to know the incantations for
administering Unix accounts).

My understanding is that with this AclMode setting, by default no-one
will have access to anything.  This seems to be the case.  What I am
trying to do is give non-administrative users (or a group via
CVSROOT/group) read access to a particular directory tree, but write
access to only a subset of files within it.

I have tried to do this with something like

cvsnt rchacl -a read -u testuser project-root-dir
cvsnt rchacl -a read,write -u testuser project-root-dir/subdir/testfile

I have inspected the fileattr.xml in the repository project-root-dir/CVS
and project-root-dir/subdir/CVS and these appear as I would expect - But
when testuser tries to commit a change to testfile the server returns

cvsnt server: User 'testuser' cannot write to

so (guessing) the lack of directory write permission appears to be
overriding my file write permission.  Currently to get the show on the
road I have had to grant the user non-inheritable write to the entire
directory, but this is less than ideal.. Can anyone tell me if I am
getting something wrong here, or is this a known problem etc?

Thanks in advance for any help

Ted Hayes

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