[cvsnt] Re: Unknown to the system? ME???

Andreas Tscharner andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
Thu Apr 27 07:31:13 BST 2006

Marcello Marangio wrote:
> Hi All

Hi Marcello,
> We are trying to migrate from cvsnt win to cvsnt linux.
> I use jdeveloper, I can log into our cvsnt, I can check out a module, but I
> cannot commit.
> Trying to commit what I get is:
> cvsnt [server aborted]: you are unknown to this system

Can you provide some more information? What version of cvsnt? What 
Linux? Has JDeveloper a CVS integration? Does it work on the command 
line? What was the exact command you issued? etc.

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                          andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
And the beast shall come forth surrounded by a roiling cloud of
vengeance. The house of the unbelievers shall be razed and they shall be
scorched to the earth. Their tags shall blink until the end of days.
                                             -- The Book of Mozilla 12:10

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