[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT package for Solaris 8

Hayes, Ted (London) rogercarlton_hayes at ml.com
Fri Apr 28 11:08:00 BST 2006

hi Sushil

I don't have a compiled package for you, but some things I noticed while
building on Solaris 9 may be useful

- For a workable build you have to use GCC tools with automake etc, not
the Sun Studio compilers, and it has to be GCC3.4 or above to get
wchar/wstring support (and you need at least GCC2.x to build GCC3.4).
You also need egrep

- Set CC and CXX envvars to point at gcc when running configure / gmake,
and put egrep on the PATH

- configure decides near line 24840-24950 that the daemon() function in
libresolv.so is available on Solaris.  This is correct, but (at least on
Solaris 9) the unistd.h header doesn't declare it for whatever reason
and the lockdaemon build will fail - So post-configure, edit config.h to
undefine HAVE_DAEMON, then CVSNT uses its own version

- While not essential, I also wanted to remove superfluous RUNPATHs from
the executable so that when started by the inet daemon I had more
control over where CVSNT loaded its libraries from - After much
experimenting the working approach was a script that edited all the
libtools created by configure to change all occurrences of
hardcode_libdir_flag_spec variables to the empty string (then I used -R
options to the linker to control runtime library search paths)

- On Solaris the makefiles don't seem to contain enough explicit linkage
with various libraries - I exported the following setting into the
environment before running configure (this also adjusts RUNPATHs if you
have GCC and SSL libraries in non-standard locations - adjust the
various xxxDIR variables to be consistent with your local configuration
- SSL libraries needed if you are configuring --with-ssl)

-L${GCCLIBDIR} -lstdc++"
export LDFLAGS

- I also used --with-internal-pcre and --with-internal-zlib

- I used the same LDFLAGS setting when running gmake

Hope this helps


Ted Hayes

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