[cvsnt] cvs ignoring .dll files

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Thu Aug 3 20:03:37 BST 2006

Chuck Kirschman wrote:
> I've noticed that newer versions of cvsNT ignore .dll, .exe, etc. files 
> when doing a "cvs -nq up" or similar.  I have to assume this is a bow to 
> Microsoft's practice of putting the output into the source tree.  But 

cvs doesn't ignore anything during updates.  If you add a dll file then 
it uses it.

By default it ignores them during import (and a whole lot of other file 
types) as they are compiler output and most people don't store those - 
but there's nothing to stop you adding and using them if you want, or 
changing the defaults.


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