[cvsnt] cvs ignoring .dll files

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Thu Aug 3 21:28:31 BST 2006

Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
> Is it possible that someone added those extensions to the cvsignore file
> at the server?

The cvsnt server has a hardcoded internal list of files that it will ignore: 
dll was added in 2.0.12 and exe since 2.0.9 (so their exclusion shouldn't
come as too much of a surprise after 3 years or so).

FWIW, the list is :

char *ign_default = ". .. core RCSLOG tags TAGS RCS SCCS .make.state "
".nse_depinfo #* .#* cvslog.* ,* CVS CVS.adm .del-* "
"*.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.Z *~ *.old *.elc *.ln "
"*.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej *.exe *.dll *.pdb *.lib "
"*.ncb *.ilk *.exp *.suo .DS_Store _$* *$ *.lo "
"*.pch *.idb *.class ~*";

Hmmm... Tony, shouldn't a.out and *.tmp/*.TMP be in there too?

David Somers

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