[cvsnt] Replacement for 'commit -r 2.0'?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Aug 12 06:03:00 BST 2006

At Friday 11/8/2006 23:59, Yongwei Wu wrote:

>It seems '-r' support for commit is gone, though it is not consistent
>with the documentation. While -r TAG can be replaced by other
>commands, I would like to know what can be used to achieve the effect
>of increase the version number?

In short: you can't.
Revision numbers should be considered an internal implementation 
detail of CVSNT. Rumors say that they could disappear in the future...
Use tags instead and don't pay attention to revision numbers.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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