[cvsnt] MSI installer error for custom install

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Tue Aug 15 15:05:57 BST 2006

Bo Berglund wrote:

> Now someone (Tony?) has fixed the Wiki Download links so there is a
> server type MSI as well.

I'd suspect he's behind it.

> Will check when I get home.
> I really would like to build the project with the latest sources and
> then possibly also get the modules2.cpp file from trunk (rev 1.8) to see
> if the root definitions will start working.


> But if I have to install (yet) another Visual Studio version I doubt if
> it is worth the trouble...

I know that feeling only too well.

Tony? Can you clarify the build tool requirements?

IIRC when I tried to open the solution files into VS 2002 it complained (as
ever, so much for being backward compatibility)... I suspect there is a way
to mangle 2005 solution so they work with earlier versions of VS, but I
never had time to look into it. Ideas anybody?

(Its at times like this that I wish that cvsnt used cmake to build its


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