[cvsnt] chacl not working with non-inheritable permissions.

Jan Giesen jan.giesen at web.de
Wed Aug 16 21:44:16 BST 2006

"Jurko Gospodnetiæ" <mangled at to.avoid.spam> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:ebtk3p$rip$1 at paris.nodomain.org...
>   Hi all.
>   I just tried using CVSNT chacl command to set up some
> access control on one of our repositories and it seems that
> the documented non-inheritable permission feature does not
> work.
>   Here's an example:
> 1. I have a folder A and its sub-folder B.
> 2. I set CVSNT to deny access by default (either by setting
>     it in the CVSROOT/config file or by setting the default
>    deny rule on folder A).
> 3. I allow a user to read the folder A, and I set this privilege
>    to be non-inheritable (-n chacl option)

Please try with "cvs chacl -n" instead of "cvs -n chacl".

Best regards

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