[cvsnt] CVSNT seems to rely on deprected "case" requests

Sebastian Schuberth sschuberthNOSP at Mgmail.com
Thu Aug 17 22:12:23 BST 2006

>> This is from TortoiseCVS 1.8.27 RC5, which uses CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) 
>> Build 2260 as a back-end. The server we're using is GNU / Savannah CVS 
>> 1.12.11. After some research I found out support for the "Case" 
>> request was removed from the GNU server in version 1.11.12:
> We only send "Case" if the server advertises that it supports it, so the 
> cvshome server is advertising support for that option then breaking when 
>  it is sent it - this is a server bug, not a cvsnt one.
> It's probably just a bug with that version - 1.11.12 is not a stable 
> release.
> FYI the cvsnt server hasn't done anything with that option for quite a 
> long time.. it's not necessary for correct operation anyway.
> Tony

Hmm, after taking a closer look at the CVS server that we're running, 
I'm not sure if it's a GNU server after all, because it links to cvsnt.org:

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.11 (client/server)

Copyright (c) 1989-2004 Brian Berliner, david d `zoo' zuhn,
                         Jeff Polk, and other authors

CVS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
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     (specify --help-commands for a list of commands
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The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
     the CVS home page at http://www.cvshome.org/ or
     the CVSNT home page at http://www.cvsnt.org/

But that would mean that the (rather old!) version of 1.12.11 of the 
CVSNT server has the bug that it announces the "Case" request type 
although it does not support it. Can you confirm that bug exists in that 
old version of the CVSNT server?


Sebastian Schuberth
(Remove "NOSP" and "M" from my e-mail address)

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