[cvsnt] Sticky option (-ko) permanent or only on in workingdirectory?

Kerry, Richard richard.kerry at siemens.com
Fri Aug 18 16:34:09 BST 2006

-----Original Message-----
>> This is exactly how it works.
>I'm about to start pulling my hair out.  I still get this to do what I
>to do.  I did the following.
>* First I deleted my sandbox.  I then checked out the root level
module.  I 
>checked the files in question.  They all had Header and Log keywords
set for 
>my checkin.
>* cvs update -ko <file>
>* cvs commit -m "..." <file>

You need to use 'commit -f' to force the commit.

As the file itself is not modified (only metadata about it) the standard
commit doesn't do anything, thus you haven't actually committed the file
with its changed kopt.

>* copy original file back into sandbox
>* cvs commit -m "..." <file>
>* I then check the file again.  It appears that it hasn't added to the 
>Header or the Log so I think I've fixed the problem.
>* delete sandbox
>* checkout module
>* check file again and notice that it does have my Header and Log info
>the file.
>What's going on?


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